We want YOU to join the PTA!  
Here are a few reasons to join....
*Support your child & their school!
*Get involved & be the first to hear about events!
*Membership means you get to vote on important issues like how RRE PTA funds are spent!
Thank you for supporting RRE PTA!

Please note that memberships expire each summer and new memberships need to be purchased for each school year.  Each household is eligible for one membership per adult.

Please click here to Join the PTA!!



Thank you for your support!
The River Ridge PTA


School Supply Lists:



Click here to register with Leander ISD to become an approved in school volunteer!  



Arrival: 7:10 -7:30

*Tardy Bell: 7:30

Dismissal Times 

K-1st: 2:45 

2nd-3rd: 2:50 

4th-5th: 2:55

*check calendar for Early Release Wednesdays

After School Car Rider Flow 

Due to the current number of students being served on campus, we are needing to switch back to our original River Ridge dismissal flow for car riders. Please disregard our explanation video from the beginning of the year and follow our original "snake" pattern. 


  • Third through fifth grade students will be dropped off on their side of the building and enter doors closest to their classrooms as described in the slide above. They will walk directly to their classes.
  • Dismissal will change some this year to ensure social distancing. THERE WILL NO LONGER BE A GENERAL FRONT WALKER AREA. This area is now reserved for our students served by our special programs and their siblings. Second grade walkers will be exiting out the back doors and meeting parents by the bike racks closest to the bus lane.

We kindly ask that parents respect social distancing and do not use the playground after school as a social playdate.

  • Our goal is to dismiss everyone efficiently and safely. All car riders at this time will meet in front of the building using social distancing measures.

Thank you for your extra attention in reading over these protocols carefully!

Shelley Roberts and Gareth Cook